
The ProductivityOpen P1AM-200 is an automation platform compatible with Productivity1000 Series I/O modules, P1AM Series shields, and Arduino MKR format shields. It can be programmed using the Arduino IDE or with the CircuitPython language. The board uses the SAMD51P20 Microcontroller.

Productivity1000 Series modules offer several types of industrial grade I/O:

  • Analog and Temperature Inputs

  • Analog Outputs

  • Discrete Inputs

  • Discrete Outputs and Relays

  • Specialty Modules

Productivity1000 Series modules can be purchased on the AutomationDirect Webstore.

Compatible Functions

Below are several functions that are used to communicate with the Base Controller. Look through the examples included in the P1AM library and the source code to get a better understanding of these functions. If you're looking for functions to interface with modules, please check out the page for your module in the sidebar.

Base Controller

The P1AM-200 and accompanying library provide a connection to the Base Controller circuitry. This allows for communication with Productivity1000 Series I/O modules. You are required to provide external 24V or use a P1000 Series power supply when using the Base Controller.

Base Controller Pins

All Base Controller pins are internal to the P1AM-200 so no header pins are used for IO module communications.

Base Controller Watchdog

The Base Controller has a configurable watchdog that can be used to reset the CPU and the P1000 Modules in the base. If the Base Controller does not receive a message from the CPU in the configured time period, the watchdog will trigger and take action. This can be useful for if your program encounters an unexpected condition. Check out the watchdog examples for more information on how to use this feature.

CPU Features and Indicators

Toggle Switch

The toggle switch can be used like a normal digital input. It doesn't alter any behaviour on its own so make sure to write code to include any desired functionality.

pinMode(SWITCH_BUILTIN,INPUT);	//Set Switch to be a digital input
				Serial.println(digitalRead(SWITCH_BUILTIN));	//Read and print out state of switch. 1 is up and 0 is down.
from board import SWITCH
import digitalio

switch = digitalio.DigitalInOut(SWITCH)
switch.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
while True:


This is a Neopixel-compatible LED that can be used for any purpose. It can be controlled by NEOPIXEL_PIN or 49 in Arduino and NEOPIXEL in CircuitPython.

Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(1, NEOPIXEL_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // Setup RGB LED
            pixels.begin(); // Initialize NeoPixel object
            pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(0, 150, 0)); // Set RGB LED to green (R, G, B)
            pixels.show(); // Update RGB LED
from p1am_200_helpers import get_neopixel
            pixel = get_neopixel()
            pixel[0] = (0, 150, 0) # Set RGB LED to green (R, G, B)


When this LED is on it indicates the CPU is powered on via: USB, external 24V, VIN pin on the header, or a P1000 Series power supply.

Base LED

When this LED is on it indicates the Base Controller is powered and has been intialised by calling P1.init().
Note: External 24V or a P1000 Series power supply must be used for the Base Controller and modules to be powered.

Yellow LED

This LED is a user controlled LED like those found on Arduino boards. It can be referenced by using LED_BUILTIN or 32 and LED in CircuitPython. It can be controlled with the digitalWrite() function.

pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);      //Set LED to be a digital output
	digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // Turn the LED on
	delay(1000);                       // Wait 1 second
	digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // Turn the LED off 
	delay(1000);                       // Wait 1 second	
from board import LED
import digitalio
import time

led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(LED)
led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
while True:
    led.value = True
    led.value = False


The P1AM-200 contains an external RTC (real-time clock) backed by a supercap. This allows the board to keep track of time even when it is powered off and should function up to 12 hours.

microSD Card

The microSD card slot can be used to read and write files. This can be useful for logging errors and storing any readings.
The CS pin is 28 or SDCARD_SS_PIN in Arduino and SD_CS in CircuitPython.

ATECC608 Cryptographic co-processor with secure hardware-based key storage

The ATECC608 secure element allows for secure key storage and cryptographic functions. It allows for fast and secure SSL/TLS connections when using the P1AM-ETH shield. This allows for secure communication with cloud services such as AWS IoT Core. The ATECC608 can be configured using the ArduinoECCX08 library and is typically used with the ArduinoBearSSL library or other SSL/TLS libraries.

Note: TLS connections over ethernet are not currently supported in CircuitPython

External EEPROM

The P1AM-200 contains an external 2k-bit EEPROM that can be used to store data that needs to be retained when power is lost. Additionally, this EEPROM contains a unique MAC address that can be used to programmatically configure the MAC address of the P1AM-ETH shield.

Reset Button

Tapping the reset button once can be used to manually reset code execution, the Base Controller, and all P1000 Series modules.

Quickly double tapping the reset button will put the board into bootloader mode. This mode is indicated by a "breathing" pattern on the yellow LED. This mode can be used to recover a board that has reached a hard fault due to bad code. Once in this state, the COM port will change so it is required that you select the new COM port from the tools menu and re-upload your code. Additionally, the board will enumerate as a USB mass storage device that can be used to load UF2 files.

Control Pins and Buses

Name Arduino Arduino Library CircuitPython CircuitPython Library
Toggle Switch SWITCH_BUILTIN(31) digitalRead() board.SWITCH DigitalInOut.value
Yellow LED LED_BUILTIN(32) digitalWrite() board.LED DigitalInOut.value
MicroSD SDCARD_SS_PIN(28) SD board.SD_CS Adafruit_CircuitPython_SD
ATECC608* Wire ArduinoECCX08 board.SCL, board.SDA Adafruit_CircuitPython_ATECC
RGB LED NEOPIXEL_PIN(49) Adafruit_NeoPixel board.NEOPIXEL Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel
RTC INTERNAL_RTC_PORT(Wire1) PCF8563_RTC board.RTC_SCL, board.RTC_SDA Adafruit_CircuitPython_PCF8563
*Note: In CircuitPython the ATECC608 does not support TLS connections and has limited utility

MKR Expansion Header Pins

Function Pins
GPIO A0-A6, 0-14
Analog Input A0-A6
Analog Output A0, A1
PWM 0-8, 10, 12, A1, A2
Interrupt* 0, 1, 4-8, A1-A4
SPI 8, 9, 10
I2C 11, 12
UART 13 and 14, 0 and 1
5V 5V supply output
Vin 5V regulated supply input
VCC 3.3 V supply output
GND Ground
RST Reset
Aref Analog Input Reference
Note: Aref is internally tied to VCC via a 10K resistor.
Interrupt functionality not available when using CircuitPython. Do not exceed 3.3 V on any I/O pin.
Do not exceed 7mA on any I/O pin.
Do not apply power to 5V or VCC

Powering the P1AM-200

System Supplies

The P1AM-200 can be powered several different ways. When an external 24V or a P1000 Series supply is connected and turned on the power from USB and VIN is disconnected, but the data lines are still available for programming and monitoring as normal. Additionally, if only VIN and USB are connected, the power from USB is disconnected. WARNING: DO NOT CONNECT EXTERNAL 24V AND A P1000 SERIES POWER SUPPLY AT THE SAME TIME

P1000 Series Power Supplies offer noise filtering, electrical isolation, and an easy connection for P1AM systems. There are both AC and DC input power models. Power Supplies can be purchased here.

Power Budgets

It is important to evaluate your system and determine the amount of power it will need. If you are using any Productivity1000 Series modules, you should budget 1.25W for each slot from your external 24V or P1000 Series supply. If you are using any shields or devices connected to the MKR header, you should refer to the table below to make sure you are within the proper specification. Depending on the power source used, the VCC(3.3V) pin and 5V pin will have different current limits. Additionally, they have a combined total power limit.

System Supply Configurations

Source P1000 Modules P1AM Shields MKR Shields
P1000 Series Supply X
External 24V

MKR Header Power Limitations

Power Source 5V 3.3V Max Combined Power
USB 330mA 500mA 1.65W
VIN (Pin Header) 600mA 1A 3.3W
P1000 Series Supply
OR external24V
850mA 1.28A 4.25W

Microcontroller: SAMD51P20
Clock: 120MHz
Flash: 1MB
Ram: 256KB
Storage: microSD, EEPROM, 16MB SPI Flash
RTC: Supercap backed external RTC
P1000 I/O Modules: Up to 15. Requires external 24V or P1000 power supply.

Additional Resources:
Data Sheet
P1AM-200 on AutomationDirect.com